We are glad to announce some major changes regarding the Sonoris License Activator tool to smoothen the process of activating and deactivating Sonoris software.
What has changed?
Until now, there was no way to deactivate a license for Sonoris products. Therefor, we allowed three computers (or one USB drive) to be activated. This workaround is finally resolved and there is now an option for you to deactivate a license. This puts you in control of your licenses, like you should be. Moving to a new PC? Lost your laptop? Working from home tomorrow? No problem. Just deactivate your license and activate it on the new computer.
Since deactivation is now made easy, the three-activations-per-license policy is not necessary anymore. Because of this, we will allow new licenses to be activated on one computer or one USB stick.
What does this mean for my current activations?
If you are currently running more than one device, there is no need to worry. We will allow you to keep using your current activations. When its time for you to move to a new computer, this is possible as well. Just deactivate one of your activations and activate the new computer. This is now your main activation.
We’ll keep your other activations alive, but just keep in mind that deactivating another old acivation won’t allow you to activate another computer again. Only deactivating your main license gives you the ability to activate another computer.